Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I decided to try to be more dedicated to writing "ramblings" down on my blog. I've had a few people tell me recently that I am a great source for information...whatever that means. A lot of it comes from people asking help with planning wedding stuff (which is easy since I'm at them all the time). But I'm taking that as a little challenge. I'm going to try to share somthing everyday (or every other day) that I think is a good find, a great deal, or something that just helped me get through the day. It will probably be something that I am greatful for....which when I write about, will hopefully help me remember all the things I should be greatful for, in turn, helping me be happier, even when I am exhausted with three kids (WOW! that's a mouthful).

So anyway, today I want to tell you about Shout Advanced Gel!( that sounds like an intro for a home shopping network infomercial). I love this stuff. It is the first stain product that really helps me get out all of Tyler's poop stains, Jocelyn's lipstick stains, and Tori's play stains from school. The best part is, it works better when you spray it and let it sit on the fabric for a few days, even a week....which works out great for me because I don't do laundry more than once a week. So, if you get a chance, try it and let me know what you think.


Elizabeth said...

Great job! I am glad you are back on blogging! I was kinda having withdrawals..from all your "info" in your brain..that you have to share! :) Sounds like a great stick with it! ;)
love you Le!

grapeape said...

i like Shout! Advanced too. my thing is, i forget to spray it 'til i'm about to start a load, and like you said, the longer it sits, the better.

Julie Isa said...

How in thw world can you get away with only doing laundry once a week? You must have a lot of clothes!!! Glad your back to blogging. Take care!

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