Miracle of Monday:

I am combining yesterday and today because our Sunday was actually pretty busy in the morning, and then we had church, and then David and I just played with the kids until they went to bed. Once the kids were in bed, David and I stayed up late and hung up our pictures in the office and went through all the stacks of stuff on our desk. It is a great feeling to sit here, not feeling surrounded by clutter.
My miracle today is that Victoria's fall on the concrete wasn't any worse. Saturday night when David's brother and his family were here, we were eating dinner outside. The kids were done early and playing. Victoria was laying on the top of Tyler's little red Coupe Car (the car with the dome roof and the yellow top). She slipped and landed face first on the concrete. Her body then did a full flip over herself. I was so worried she did something to her neck. When I looked at her, her face really looked scary, because it got so swollen so fast. We iced it for quite a while. By yesterday it looked so much better and today it looks great.
Victoria was so worried about going to church yesterday because she didn't want anyone to say anything. She was really brave and handled it really well. Have a wonderful Monday! 
Nice goose egg Tori! So glad you didn't hurt your teeth! That is always the first thing I check...:) Funny thing about that Coupe car...Blake has slid under it when he was riding too fast..so watch out for that next! :)
owies! glad she's okay.
It looks so painful. I am glad she is ok. We can't wait to see you guys! Did you get my message I called you? Give me a call.
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